The DTRV product type is a member of the EuroProt+ numerical protection relay, made by Protecta Co. Ltd. The EuroProt+ complex protection in respect of hardware and software is a modular device. The modules are assembled and configured according to the requirements, and then the software determines the functions.
The dedicated devices are designed to be the main protection and control IED for two and three winding power transformers, including auto-transformers and special railway transformers. The protection relays provide a variety of versatile protection functions along with the main transformer differential protection(87T), such as restricted earth-fault protection(87N), 3ph, Io and I2 overcurrent protection(50/51, 50/51N, 46), overload protection(49), breaker failure protection(50BF). Voltage and frequency related protection functions as 27, 59, 24, 47, 81O, 81U can also be integrated if required. Because of the implemented control, measuring and monitoring function, the IED can also be used as a bay control unit.
The number and the functionality of the members of each product type is put together according to the application philosophy, keeping in mind the possible main usages. The available configurations of the DTRV type for transformers are listed in the table below: